
Orion State Licensing
can help you get licensed
nationwide and in all US territories.

Your compliance and licensing leaders.


We are the nation’s
premier full-service licensing
assistance company.

Affordable, multi-state licensing assistance.


One Step Closer To Excellence

Premier Full Service Licensing Company

We are the nation’s premier full-service licensing assistance company.

For over 20 years, we have specialized in providing affordable, multi-state licensing assistance to collection agencies, debt buyers, mortgage brokers & lenders, and FHA/HUD companies seeking to expand their business into other states nationwide and U.S. territories.

Established Reputation

Our expert licensing team can assist in getting your licenses approved quickly at a cost-effective price.

Customer Loyalty

We provide maintenance services to our clients which includes license renewals and filing of annual reports.

Professional Guidance

Our expert staff provides hands-on and reliable services.


Our goal is to serve all of our clients' long-term annual maintenance needs.

Get licensed now →

Helping your agencies get licensed in every state and U.S territories

Ready to get licensed? 888-315-0805

Providing affordable Licenses

We are the nation’s premier full-service licensing assistance company.

Years Of Experience

We lead companies with our 20 years of superior knowledge and experience.

Our Advantages To Shape Your Business

Since 2003, our company has been professionally serving collection agencies, debt buyers, mortgage companies and other financial institutions in obtaining nationwide licensing and state registration.

We cater to the level of service you need whether you are a newly formatted entity or have been well established in the industry.

For companies just getting started, our dedicated team works closely with you to help break down some of the complex licensing requirements, research and regulations. For existing companies, we service our clients by providing full-service support in maintaining licensing and compliance needs in a continually changing regulatory landscape.

With over 20 years experience in the field working with various agencies and jurisdictions nationwide, we understand the intricacies of the industry and will customize a licensing and compliance management plan built to meet your specific needs.

Let's get started!

Our licensing experts are excited and ready to answer your questions and get you through your licensing journey.

Premier Full Service Licensing Company.

Offering licensing and registration assistance for financial institutions nationwide including the District of Columbia and U.S. Territories.